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파일을 다운받습니다

파일이 많지요 .. 일단은 모두 plugins 폴더안으로 넣어줍니다

서버를 켜줍니다

작동되는걸 확인합니다.

서버를 종료하시고 다시 plugins 폴더로 와보시면 essentials 폴더가 생긴것을 확인할수 있습니다.

config.yml 파일을 여셔서 에센셜 기본 설정을 해주실수 있습니다.

# If you want to use special characters in this document, such as accented letters, you MUST save the file as UTF-8, not ANSI.
# If you receive an error when Essentials loads, ensure that:
#   - No tabs are present: YAML only allows spaces
#   - Indents are correct: YAML heirarchy is based entirely on indentation
#   - You have "escaped" all apostrophes in your text: If you want to write "don't", for example, write "don''t" instead (note the doubled apostrphe)
#   - List items are prefixed with a hyphen and indented:
#       lists:
#         - look like this
#       not:
#       - like this
#   - Text with symbols is enclosed in single or double quotation marks
#   - CraftBukkit and Permissions have been updated: CraftBukkit and Essentials almost always line up, but sometimes other plugins fall behind CraftBukkit's multiple daily updates
#   - You have saved the document as UTF-8, NOT the default, ANSI

# A color code between 0-9 or a-f. Set to 'none' to disable.
ops-name-color: 'c'

# The character(s) to prefix all nicknames, so that you know they are not true usernames.
nickname-prefix: '~'

# The delay, in seconds, required between /home, /tp, etc.
teleport-cooldown: 0                -순간이동(tp,home 등등)쿨타임을 줄수 있습니다. (초)

# The delay, in seconds, before a user actually teleports.  If the user moves or gets attacked in this timeframe, the teleport never occurs.
teleport-delay: 0

# The delay, in seconds, required between /heal attempts
heal-cooldown: 60                      -heal 쿨타임을 줄수있습니다 (초)

# The number of items given if the quantity parameter is left out in /item or /give.
default-stack-size: 64                   -i혹은give 명령어 사용시 자동으로 주는 갯수입니다

# Whether or not to reclaim memory on player logout; this is technical, and should only be disabled under special circumstances.
# This generally increases server stability unless very specific runtime configurations are used.
reclaim-onlogout: true

# Should primitive spawn protection be enabled?  For most servers, this should be flase; it is better to use a third-party plugin to protect it.
spawn-protection: false

# Nether settings (switch between worlds with "/world nether" and "/world normal")
# Sets whether the nether system is enabled, what folder to save the world in, and whether portals should teleport players between worlds.
  enabled: false
  folder: nether
  portals-enabled: false

# Mob limit on spawnmob
spawnmob-limit: 10

#Show other plugins commands in help
non-ess-in-help: true;

# The message of the day, displayed on connect and by typing /motd.
  - '&cWelcome, {PLAYER}&c!'
  - '&fType &c/help&f for a list of commands.'
  - 'Currently online: {PLAYERLIST}'

# The server rules, available by typing /rules
  - '[1] Be respectful'
  - '[2] Be ethical'
  - '[3] Use common sense'

# Disabled commands will be completelly unavailable on the server.
 - nick

# Restricted commands will only be available to ops.
# These will have NO EFFECT if you have Permissions installed!
# These are here only if you want something simpler than Permissions.
  - bigtree
  - item
  - give
  - heal
  - plugin
  - time
  - top
  - tp
  - tphere
  - tree

# Note: All items MUST be followed by a quantity!
# Times are measured in seconds.
kits:                                                 키트 설정입니다
  tools:                                             키트이름입니다 (앞에 2번 띄우기)
    delay: 10                                      키트딜레이입니다 (앞에 4번 띄우기)
    items:                                          아이템 목록입니다 (앞에 4번 띄우기)
      - 277 1                                       받을 아이템 입니다 (앞에 6번 띄우기)
      - 278 1                                       (6번띄우고 - 아이템코드 갯수)
      - 279 1

# End of File

즉 키트를 추가해주실때

    delay: 10
      - 277 1
      - 278 1
      - 279 1
    delay: 1
      - 20 64
      - 20 64

# End of File
이런식으로 추가해주시면되요
(키트 추가하신후 permisson 으로 사용권한을 줘야합니다)
(아래쪽에 나와있지만 'essentials.kit' 를 추가해주시고 난후
'essentials.kit.glass' 도 써주셔야 해당그룹이 glass 키트를 사용하실수 있어요.
'essentials.kit.*' 써주시면 등록한 모든키트를 사용할수있고요. 

그다음은 에센셜을 사용하시면 다른사람들에게 반드시 줘야하는 퍼미션 노드 !

        default: true
            build: true
            - 'general.spawn'                   < - 여기에다가 쓰시는거에요

당연히 띄워쓰기도 맞춰서 써야겠죠?

Essentials (Main Jar)


  • /depth: Displays your current block depth in relation to sea-level.
    • essentials.depth
    • No Syntax
  • /getpos: Displays your current coordinate location in the world.
    • essentials.getpos
    • No Syntax
  • /compass: Displays your current bearing in the world.
    • essentials.compass
    • No Syntax
  • /top: Teleports you to the highest block at your current location.
    • essentials.top
    • No Syntax
  • /jump/j: Teleports you to the nearest block, in your line of sight (Crosshair).
    • essentials.jump
    • No Syntax
  • /back: Returns you to your last position after using any kind of teleportation commands (/warp/tp/spawn, etc...).
    • essentials.back
    • No Syntax
  • /world: Allows you to teleport to any world by name, which is on the server.
    • essentials.world
    • essentials.portal Allows players to use a portal to the nether.
    • /<command> <nether|normal|0,1,2,3, etc..>


  • /msg/whisper/tell/m: This allows you to private message another player.
    • essentials.msg
    • /<command> <player> <message>
  • /afk: Sets your status as AFK, which can be seen using the /whois command.
    • essentials.afk
    • /<command> <afk message>
  • /rules: Displays the rules, which are formatted in the config.yml file in your plugins/Essentials folder.
    • essentials.rules
    • /<command> <page number>
  • /motd: Displays the motd (Message of the Day) which is configured in the config.yml file in your plugins/Essentials directory.
    • essentials.motd Controls who sees the motd at login and who can use /motd.
    • No Syntax
  • /me: Allows you to emote. (Aelux lobs a lobster across the room).
    • essentials.me
    • /<command> <emote message>
  • /list/who/playerlist/online/L: Lists the players online and how many slots are left.
    • essentials.list
    • No Syntax
  • /mail: Allows you to send, recieve, and read mail from other players on the server.
    • essentials.mail Read-Only.
    • essentials.mail.send Read & Send.
    • /<command> <read|clear|send [player] [message]>
  • /helpop: Requests help from online admins/operators.
    • essentials.helpop
    • /<command> <message>
  • /whois: Displays a specified players money, real name (if using a nick), and afk status.
    • essentials.whois
    • /<command> <nickname|playername>


  • /mod/modgrp: Allows you to specify a players Permission group.
    • essentials.modgrp Allows you to promote players up to and including your permissions group.
    • essentials.modgrpoverride Allows you to promote anyone (including yourself) to any permissions group.
    • /<command> <player name> <group>
  • /essentials Reloads your Essentials.jar configuration.
    • essentials.essentials
    • No Syntax
  • /reloadall/rel: Reloads all of your plugins.
    • essentials.reloadall
    • No Syntax
  • /gc: Displays chunk, memory, and world information.
    • essentials.gc
    • No Syntax
  • /plugin: Allows you to enable, disable, or reload a specified plugin.
    • essentials.plugin
    • /<command> [list] [<enable|disable|reload> <plugin name>]
  • /spawnmob: Allows you to spawn a specified mob with an optional mount, with Slime-size support.
    • essentials.spawnmob
    • /<command> <mob>,[mount]:[slime-size] <amount>
  • /clearinventory: Allows you to clear your own inventory or the inventory of a specified player.
    • essentials.clearinventory
    • /<command> [player name]
  • /broadcast: Displays a specified message to all players on the server.
    • essentials.broadcast
    • /<command> <message>
  • /antioch: Places LIVE TNT near or on the block your crosshair is on.
    • essentials.antioch
    • No Syntax
  • /kill: Allows you to kill a specified player.
    • essentials.kill
    • /<command> <player name>
  • /nick/n: Allows you to give yourself or another player, a nick name.
    • essentials.nick
    • /<command> <player name> <nickname|off>


  • /give: Allows you to give another player a specified item.
    • essentials.give
    • /<command> <player> <item> <amount>
  • /item/i: Gives yourself a specified item.
    • essentials.item
    • /<command> <item> <amount>
  • /kit: Allows you to retrieve a defined set of items, called a kit, by its name.
    • essentials.kit Allows access to the kit command.
    • essentials.kit.<kitname> Where <kitname> is the name of an existing kit that a player has access to.
    • essentials.kit.* Allows access to all created kits.
    • /<command> [kit name]
  • /time: Allows you to switch the world time between day and night.
    • essentials.time
    • /<command> <day|night>
  • /heal: Allows you to completely heal yourself or a specified player.
    • essentials.heal
    • /<command> [player name]
  • /tree: Spawns a specified tree 2 blocks in front of yourself.
    • essentials.tree
    • /<command> <tree|birch|redwood>
  • /bigtree: Spawns a specified big tree 2 blocks in front of yourself.
    • essentials.bigtree
    • /<command> <tree|redwood>


  • /eco/economy: Allows you to take or give money to a specified player.
    • essentials.eco
    • /<command> <give|take> <player name> <amount>
  • /worth: Displays the worth of the item in your hand or an item (with amount) that you specify.
    • essentials.worth
    • /<command> [item] [amount]
  • /sell: Sells the item that YOU are holding in your hand.
    • essentials.sell
    • No Syntax


  • /help: This displays ALL the help for ALL the plugins you have installed, including the Essentials plugins. This is not a bug, but an inconvenience with how commands are handled through Bukkit. Use with page numbers to cycle through the pages.
    • essentials.help
    • /<command> <2,3,4,5,etc.>


  • /ban: Bans a specified player.
    • essentials.ban
    • /<command> <player name>
  • /banip: Bans the IP of a specified player.
    • essentials.banip
    • /<command> <player name>
  • /kick: Kicks a specified player off the server.
    • essentials.kick
    • /<command> <player name>
  • /kickall: Kicks all players off the server.
    • essentials.kickall
    • No Syntax
  • /unban: Unbans a specified player.
    • essentials.unban
    • /<command> <player name>
  • /unbanip: Unbans a specified players IP address.
    • essentials.unbanip
    • /<command> <player name>


  • /tptoggle: Toggles players ability to teleport or request teleport to/from you.
    • essentials.tptoggle
    • No Syntax

  • Teleporting yourself to a player:
    • /tpa: If not denied by tptoggle status, then asks the player if you can teleport to them.
      • essentials.tpa
      • essentials.tpaccept Allows a player to accept a /tpa request.
      • essentials.tpdeny Allows a player to deny a /tpa request.
    • /tp/tele: Direct (you >> player) teleport unless denied by tptoggle status.
      • essentials.tp
    • /tpo: Overrides the tptoggle status and directly teleports you to the specified player.
      • essentials.tpo
    • /<command> <player to teleport TO>

  • Teleporting a player to your location:
    • /tpahere: If not denied by tptoggle status, then asks the specified player to accept transport to your location.
      • essentials.tpahere
    • /tphere/s: Direct (player >> you) teleport unless denied by tptoggle status.
      • essentials.tphere
    • /tpohere: Overrides the tptoggle status and directly teleports a specified player to your location.
      • essentials.tpohere
    • /<command> <player to teleport to YOUR SELF>

  • Teleporting to Coordinates
    • /tppos: Type in an <x> <y> <z> coordinate and off you go! The Y coordinate is your "Up in the Sky or Down near the Bedrock" location.
      • essentials.tppos
      • /<command> <X> <Y> <Z>


  • /home: Teleports you to the location of where you last used the /sethome command.
    • essentials.home
    • No Syntax
  • /sethome: Sets your home position at your current location.
    • essentials.sethome
    • No Syntax


  • /warp: Teleports you to a specified warp location or lists all available warps.
    • essentials.warp
    • /<command> <warp name>
  • /setwarp: Allows you to specify a named warp at your current location.
    • essentials.setwarp
    • /<command> <warp name>
  • /delwarp: Removes a warp location by warp name.
    • essentials.delwarp
    • /<command> <warp name>


  • /spawn: Teleports you to the global spawn or group (Permissions) defined spawn area.
    • essentials.spawn
    • No Syntax
  • /setspawn: Sets the global spawn and/or group (Permissions) spawn to your current location.
    • essentials.setspawn
    • /<command> [group name]

대략 기본적으로 필요한게 적어도 키트,홈,스폰이니

        default: true
            build: true
            - 'essentials.spawn'
            - 'essentials.back'
            - 'essentials.msg'
            - 'essentials.rules'
            - 'essentials.list'
            - 'essentials.mail'
            - 'essentials.mail.send'
            - 'essentials.home'
            - 'essentials.sethome'
            - 'essentials.kit'
            - 'essentials.kit.*'
이렇게 써주시면 Default 그룹들이
메일기능(/mail),집 순간이동기능(/home,/sethome),등록해놓은 모든 키트(/kit)를 쓸수있게 되겠지요.

쓰고계신 플러그인과 충돌될만한 플러그인은
사용하지 말아주세요
(myhome,mywarp,MCban등 한쪽은 지워주세요)
